(1) Right-click on "This PC" on desktop and select "Properties". Use This PC Properties to check if Windows 10 is activated or not Use Run box to check Windows 10 activation status and expire date 1. Command to check Windows 10 activation status and expire data 4.

Use Windows 10 Settings to verify if Windows 10 is activated or not 3. Use This PC Properties to check if Windows 10 is activated or not 2. Here this article will show you 4 simple and easy ways to check if Windows 10 is activated or not on your Computer. If Windows 10 is not genuine, we may need to activate it to get the full performance. How to see if Windows 10 is activated or not in our PC devices? When we bought a PC device with Windows 10, upgrade to Windows 10, or reinstall Windows 10, we may want to check whether Windows 10 is genuine or not. All you need to do to use it is.How to Verify If Windows 10 Is Activated or Not It’s easy to use and doesn’t take much time. One of the best apps to find out your Windows 10/8/7 product key is ShowKeyPlus. This method works better for Windows 7 Windows 8/8.1 as they rely on an actual product key than a license. Here are a few ways to find Windows keys by just looking around. Sometimes, your Windows key could be located or printed in plain sight. PRODUCT KEY: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX If you are familiar with a Windows product key, you might know that it’s a 25-character alphanumeric code that’s used to activate the Windows operating system. Alternate Ways To Find Windows 10 Product Key If you’ve got the Windows key but need Windows installation media, feel free to visit our ‘legal’ Windows download guide. You can also use some third-party software to recover your license key. If these methods don’t solve your problem, you need to contact Microsoft Support or your OEM for Windows activation. KeyOutput = Mid(Chars, Cur + 1, 1) & KeyOutput MsgBox ConvertToKey(WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\DigitalProductId")) So, just copy and paste the following script in a Notepad window and save it as “productkey.vbs” by choosing the “All Files” option in “Save as type.” Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

This script translates the Registry values into a readable format. Now, using a simple VBScript–some of you might have seen it on Microsoft forums–you can read all the binary gibberish written in Windows Registry. To go ahead with this method, you need to boot into your Windows computer. Note that this method also works for OEM and Retail licenses.

This step will promptly show your Windows key.