
Formats of files topography res2dinv
Formats of files topography  res2dinv

Formats of files topography res2dinv Formats of files topography res2dinv

*** Creating parameter mesh *** C:/msys64/home/halbm/bert/bert/dcfemlib/src/electrodeconfig.cpp 263 _ASSERT_FUNCTION Warning! Number of electrodes = 0 data = 0, a = 6 b = 0 m = 0 n = 0 C:/msys64/home/halbm/bert/bert/dcfemlib/src/electrodeconfig.cpp 263 _ASSERT_FUNCTION Warning! Number of electrodes = 0 data = 1, a = 218 b = 0 m = 0 n = 0 Paradepth set to 0.11 PARAMAXCELLSIZE=0 EDGE 0 to AREA 0 PARAMAXCELLSIZE=0 # Executing: createParaMesh -v -d 2 -B -A -S -E -z 0.11 -b 500 -p 5 -l 0.3 -a 0 -q 33.8 -o mesh/mesh lr00025.2019. refine equidist = 1 spline boundary = 1 refine = 0.3 area = 0 quality = 33.8 smooth mesh = 1 C:/msys64/home/halbm/bert/bert/dcfemlib/src/electrodeconfig.cpp 263 _ASSERT_FUNCTION Warning! Number of electrodes = 0 data = 0, a = 6 b = 0 m = 0 n = 0 C:/msys64/home/halbm/bert/bert/dcfemlib/src/electrodeconfig.cpp 263 _ASSERT_FUNCTION Warning! Number of electrodes = 0 data = 1, a = 218 b = 0 m = 0 n = 0 *** Error: exit: 5 *** $ bert PE.cfg all found global /c/Software/BERT/.bertrc BERTTHREADS=2 Prepare inversion: create some missing directories.

Formats of files topography  res2dinv